At KAM Servicing we provide a range of services ranging from a simple Anti-Bacterial clean to a full leak test and re-gas. We all know the inconvenience a faulty Air Con system can cause, especially in Summer so get yours checked today before any serious problems set in.

It is recommended that all Air-Con systems are lubricated and re-charged at least every 18 months to ensure trouble free operation.

If your Air Con has not been used for a while you may of noticed that it doesn't smell as fresh as it used to?

Our Anti-Bacterial clean circulates through your Air-Con system and removes unpleasant smells, leaving your car smelling as fresh as a daisy.


Our re-gassing service checks the efficiency of the Air-Con system by testing the gas pressure inside to make sure that it hasn't dropped. A drop in A/C gas pressure will result in a loss of cooling efficiency, which makes the A/C pump work harder, which in turn uses more fuel.